Affordable Housing Programs
The Rental Bridge Program is a rental assistance program for resourced challenged and employed households who work in the Lake Norman area of North Carolina. We work with property owners who are willing to partner with us to provide affordable housing to our program participants. The Rental Bridge Program is not an emergency housing program. It requires an applicant to be pre-approved for an upcoming available rental unit and is a two-year lease arrangement.
The Senior Rent Relief Program is facilitated by the Lake Norman CDC and funded by the Town of Cornelius in response to the unprecedented rent increases in 2023 affecting seniors living in Cornelius, NC. It is a limited fund providing 12 month rental assistance program. Applications are reviewed on a first come basis for as long as funding is available. Qualified applicants must be age 55 or over and have a total income of 70% or less of regional average median income. The rental relief for qualified participants will be 50% of their 2023 rental increase up to a maximum of $200 for rental unit.
The LKNCDC Critical Home Repair Fund seeks to preserve existing affordable housing as older owner-occupied homes require critical repairs. The program offers grants to partnering organizations to minimize the displacement and loss of affordable housing by addressing immediate safety threats like failing septic systems, unsafe structures, or hazardous systems. It also supports accessibility modifications, allowing homeowners to stay after illness or injury, providing a crucial solution to keep existing affordable housing options available.